VHS tape screening- Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken- October 19, 2011

This week, due to an apparent consensus between the majority of our regular audience members we will screen Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken, some movie about a girl who jumps on the back of a horse before it's about to go over the edge of a ramp into a giant pool of water. That's all I know about the movie. I just receive the VHS tape in the mail today and tested it and it appears to work, so we're a go for Wednesday. (Hence the late notice invite.)

It was very hard to find the trailer, but I finally found what appears to be a video preview on a German website here: http://www.moviepilot.de/movies/das-herz-einer-amazone-wild-und-frei/trailer/36005

Please note: you have to watch a German movie trailer first before you are allowed to see the thirty second trailer for our movie.

Additionally, I noticed this movie is available in its entirety in short pieces on youtube in case you plan to arrive late and don't want to miss a single minute (Rob), you can prep for the approximate amount of time you might miss. However, please don't watch the entire movie on youtube and then decide not to come to our screening (anybody), as that would be the epitome of lame.

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