VHS screening- The Night We Never Met- October 12, 2011

Next week we will delve into the vast wasteland of Never-Heard-of-Before RomComs with The Night We Never Met starring Matthew Broderick and a bunch of other people who aren't worth mentioning.

The premise is that it's so expensive living in New York City that any young urban professional with an average paying job is forced to live in an apartment with a bunch of annoying roommates. Matthew Broderick is so desperate for some privacy that he contrives a plan to share an apartment with two other people with the condition that they rotate who stays there. One of them is a woman he's never even met!!!!!! On off days, they live with their respective roommates. I'm not really sure how that's an affordable solution, but it's the story. Somehow he ends up falling in love, but you'll never guess who with...

Here's the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB7AqmtppRk

Because the youtube trailer says "HBO Home Video" on it, I checked and verified this was not a made for TV movie. It was released in theaters in 1993 and grossed a pittance: $1.9 million. Never fear, I've seen this movie and I distinctly remember thinking, "That was pretty good. I'm not going to donate it to Circle Thrift."

In other news, I've placed an order for a VHS copy of Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken, so that will likely be screened in the coming weeks.

Also, I've only invited a few people this week, those who have shown either real commitment or casual interest. Please invite whoever you think might be interested.

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